After more than 40 years with the same company, i have finally retired which allows me to pursue my interest in photography.  As a boy, my best friend and I experimented with simple box, pin hole cameras and developed and printed our images.  While this was a crude introduction to photography, it captured my interest and I have dabbled in photography off and on since that time.  When the Canon AE1 was introduced, i purchased one as soon as i could figure a way to justify the expense.  For several years i shot slides, but eventually lost motivation due to the awkwardness of dealing with slides.  When i retired from my day job,  DSLRs quickly rekindled my interest in photography and I have spent most of my  time since then either studying photography or practicing my photography skills.

I have presented some of my favorite photographs on this website.

I want to show portraits of landscapes and wildlife with an eye on light and focus that results in distinctive images.